Saturday, February 21, 2015

Slow Food Pavilion

"Herzog & de Meuron have unveiled the design for their Slow Food Pavilion, due for completion by the 2015 Milan Expo in May. Showcasing the work of Carlo Petrini’s Slow Food organization, the pavilion promotes the global organization’s vision of universal access to “good, clean and fair food.”
Sited on a triangular piece of land in the Eastern end of the Expo’s central boulevard, the pavilion uses a a triangular configuration of tables to evoke what Herzog & de Meuron describe as “an atmosphere of refectory and market.”
The tripartite pavilion is subdivided into a theatre, exhibition space, and tasting zone, with each program occupying compact areas of less than 455-square-meters apiece. Herzog & de Meuron’s understated approach mirrors the grassroots nature of Slow Food, and is a conscientious effort to foreground agriculture and food production as against architectural showmanship."

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