Saturday, February 7, 2015

Designing Better food for a hungry planet

“With more people changing from rural to urban society, there’s going to be a need to produce food in new ways. Urban farming is one of those. Whether it’s vertical farming, hydroponics, growing fish, agritourism, local farms, or U-picks — we’re trying to be at the forefront of these areas.”

“New crops are going to be really important in order to get vegetables that are designed to survive better,” she said. “We have all of these exotic pests and diseases coming in. We have to find a way to fight that difficulty.

“There’s a lot of exciting work done with specialty crop production — we’re trying to find alternative crops. Finding ways to increase shelf life of tomatoes. Finding plants that are of higher nutrition, that are better for us.”
To learn more about Purdue horticulture, visit

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