Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Genetic toolkits

Here, we get specialized on the topic of "architecture and food". Genetic Modification, or GMO crops are designed food. I am intrigued how they use "modified architectures" to describe the manipulation of plants. Plants have a structure, and technology has allowed us to see and understand that structure...and thus, we have been able to re-build our food - deconstruct and then reconstruct our dinner. 

"Ancient humans and early plant breeders recognized that selecting plants with modified architectures could have a major impact on the amount of fruit they produce. In general scientific terms, Lippman explains, "Plant architecture results from a delicate balance between vegetative growth – shoots and leaves – and flower production. To increase crop yields, we want plants to produce as many flowers and fruits as possible, but this requires energy – energy that is produced in leaves."

"Traditionally, plant breeders have relied on natural variation in plant genes to increase yield, but yield gains are plateauing," Lippman notes. "There is an immediate need to find new ways for plant breeders to produce more food." Worldwide more than 842 million people do not receive adequate nourishment, about 1 person in 8 alive today. The cost of food is expected to increase and hunger is likely to become more widespread as the global population expands to beyond 9 billion by 2050."

Read more: Getting more out of nature: Genetic toolkit finds new maximum for crop yields http://www.nanowerk.com/news2/biotech/newsid=37951.php#ixzz3I79kyici 
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