Sunday, July 27, 2014

AA class - Play with Food

The Take-Away:
1. "Everyone has to begin with an idea, and evolve that through constant testing and re-testing; in design that can mean multiple iterations on the same 3D model, via option-eering or prototyping depending on the scale and necessity and likewise in the kitchen or behind the bar, this means reworking a certain dish or drink as a prototype that is re-investigated in much the same way, until it reaches the desired outcome."
2. understanding or glimpses of the backstory or the process that allowed a particular food or dish to exist.
3. questioning the origin, culture, and social connotation for almost every meal
4. I take a look at the two processes that merge into one outcome, harvesting and preparation. Food opens infinite doors of feelings as it triggers multiple reactions in its consumers. It goes beyond tasting, which is only an opening act. The bare act of consuming it has the power to gather people, generating gratifying experiences. In another aspect, food is one of the loudest voices of culture.
5. The design and thought process that goes into creating a dish or a new take on any particular food is exactly the same that goes on in our discipline. It’s a research and process based design with relentless experimentation and copious amounts of trial and error. More so, the assembly logics that go into each of the dishes are exactly the same as the ones we employ. You would be surprised at how similar the disciplines are.
6. interested in product production and by-products, - create a design which would play around the idea of cultural and social phenomena surrounding cuisine and “waste”
7. generating food and drinks is in essence the same as the one that generates architecture, due to the investigation aspect that both processes require. The key connection between the branches of gastronomy and architecture is that only through investigation and experimentation the parameters for the best outcome will be established.
8. designs do not come from nothing, there is always a cultural background established, that should be taken into consideration, however through the investigation we can discover new ways to get it done based on the different reactions that are generated. 


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