Saturday, March 29, 2014

Situating Food: Planning and Design for New Urban Food Systems
November 8, 2013 - 2:00pm to November 9, 2013 - 8:00pmABOUT THE SYMPOSIUM

Situating Food: Planning and Design for New Urban Food Systems will identify models and foster innovation along with criticism of issues that impact food security, food justice, production, access and cultural awareness, especially as they influence trends in urban revitalization.
Champions of the local food movement have held it up as a potential economic boom to urban populations, a step toward the true reformation of the industrial food system and catalyst for neighborhood identity, social cohesion, and urban resilience or rebirth. Simultaneously, emerging critics have decried such efforts as a paternalistic attempt to 'save' central city populations as gentrification displaces current residents and property values increase. Divergent discourses on the subject make the topic of local food a socially, politically, economically, and ecologically charged topic in need of discussion and healthy, inclusive models.

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