Tuesday, March 25, 2014

NYC - the garden

What if NYC grew all it's own food? A project by Terreform Research Group visualized just that question. These visualizations look at what the city would look like if it grew all it's own food. These questions of what urban agriculture would look like have been in the design consciousness for some time now. The argument still stands, and logistics are far from a reality, but really, can we do it, should we do it? The current model of urban and rural, suburban are not contributing to this issue.

Some questions: What are our current eating habits? How have they changed in the past 100 years? What could the next 100 years of eating habits look like? What is a gluten-free-paleo city?

What infrastructure of CSA's and community gardening efforts look like and what systems already feed into the city that could link up (ie, Amtrack, MTA, cargo ship?). Sexy images are fun to share and imagine...but that arugula sprout on 147th street?

How about a library of what can be grown, when it can be grown? Getting more specific with the food item and the diet and the climate...perhaps that could inform the new green city.

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