Tuesday, January 27, 2015

From Wal-Mart to Farmers-Mart

Officials in McAllen, Texas, were faced with this problem when their local Walmart shut down. Instead of letting the giant store sit vacant, they did something amazing. They transformed it into the largest single-floor public library in America...including an indoor farmers market...


Monday, January 26, 2015

Most popular crop per state

"What crop generates the most money in each state? The Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistical Service produces reams of data on such matters, so I figured the question would be easy to answer. But it turned out to be trickier than I thought, because when I pulled the data, I realized that in most states, the biggest crop was one that was used mostly for animal feed. For well over half the states, field corn, soybeans or hay was the crop that generated the most cash in 2012, the latest year for which data are available. Though a small share of some of these crops does eventually get eaten by humans, in the form of things like soy lecithin and high-fructose corn syrup, most of it is fed to animals raised for meat or dairy."

"To get more meaningful results, I decided to strip away those crops that are used largely for animal feed, and focus on crops that people actually eat. I plotted the results on a map, which revealed some surprising trends:"


Food Hub Management Certificate Program

Food Hub Management Certificate Program
UVM’s Food Hub Management Professional Certificate Program – the first of its kind in the country – is an innovative blend of hands-on, community-based, online and on-campus learning that will prepare you for effective management of food hubs and provide you with essential tools to advance your career in food systems.

Develop Essential Knowledge & Skills

Business Planning & Assessment
Market Development & Value Chain Facilitation
Product Development, Marketing, & Sales
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
Processing and Distribution
Facility/Warehouse Management
HR, Staffing, & Communication
Food Safety and Risk Management

Who should apply?

Individuals planning to create, lead, and/or manage a food hub.
Those with food hub experience and passion for a career in food systems who are looking for their next step.
Professionals seeking to enhance or change their career to a focus on the sustainable food market.
Staff members who are poised for leadership development within enterprises meeting the increasing demand for regionally sourced good food.


retirement community + farming

TRFW News) A new retirement community, planned for the city of Singapore in the near future, will be combining senior living and urban farming. Homefarm, will not only support the aging population of Singapore, but will also help seniors continue living an active lifestyle in the comfort of their own residences.

SPARK, a global architecture studio with offices in Singapore, London, Beijing and Shanghai is responsible for this new endeavour and recently announced their plan for the new development to the public. (1,2,3)

Ninety Percent of Singapore’s Food is Imported
The new urban retirement housing will have a huge positive impact on Singapore’s food conditions. Currently, 90% of food is imported from over 70 different countries. In addition, twenty percent of Singapore’s population by 2030 will be older than 65.

Homefarm will not only provide local food to the population but the seniors, who will be living in the retirement community, will not be forced to work elsewhere. They will have the opportunity to contribute work towards their living expenses by farming. They will get a chance to plant, harvest, package, clean, sort and deliver produce. The gardens will be conveniently located in an assortment of various designs throughout the retirement community.(1,3)


more edible architecture

mini metropolises made of food comprise brunch city series
 in Design on January 26, 2015
the quirky series reminds city inhabitants of the overlooked cultural connection between their urban surroundings and the food that defines it.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

What is relevant for Architects?

Recent blog post from a writer on Achinect. A list of the most relevent news for architects of 2014. A deeply geo-political and environmental look that is desperately needed. Located at number 6 we see the realm of food through the lense of global water issues. Hopefully for 2015, Food and Design will become more of an issue that designers and architects are eager to address. 


Food Hubs

Food Hubs, a topic of recent inquiry. The design of our food system to utilize, process, distribute, share and educate. This example comes from Louisville KY, and the Seed Capital Kentucky. 

"Seed Capital Kentucky released master plans for the food marketplace last week. Netherlands-based architect OMA worked alongside GBBN Architects of Louisville to design a campus where local farmers can package, distribute and sell goods."

"The project aims to reduce the amount of travel, money and time that goes into local food production, while making consumer access easier.

"Our vision for this project is one that collapses a lot of those middle men and transactions into one place where they can all work together to help create more fresh, regional food and help our region feed itself more sustainably," said Seed Capital Kentucky founder Stephen Reily."