Sunday, October 26, 2014

Herald Design Forum

The Herald Design Forum 2014, a celebration of creativity and innovation in design, will explore the changes that design will bring to life in its fourth edition in November.

Under the title “Design Spectrum, Expanding the Definition of Design,” the forum, organized by Herald Corp., will discuss the influences of design in various fields, including architecture, product design, fashion and food. 

The forum will kick off with talks by celebrated architects Rem Koolhaas and Joon Paik. Koolhaas, professor at Harvard University and curator of the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, is one of the most influential figures in contemporary architecture. His recent works include the CCTV headquarters in Beijing and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s new building. He also designed a gallery space in the Samsung Museum of Art and the Museum of Art, Seoul National University. 

Peter Callahan, caterer and food stylist, will talk about incorporating design elements to food presentation based on his catering experience to the U.S. President Barack Obama, Martha Stewart, Vera Wang and Tory Burch. 


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