Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Youth Farm

"The Mission of the Grow Dat Youth Farm is to nurture a diverse group of young leaders through the meaningful work of growing food.
On our farm we work collaboratively to produce healthy food for local residents and to inspire youth and adults to create personal, social and environmental change in their own communities. Grow Dat is a place where people from different backgrounds and disciplines come together in research and practice to support public health, local economies and a sustainable food system in South Louisiana."

Friday, June 13, 2014

Community Food Lab

Community Food Lab provides services such as community engagement, mapping and assessments, urban and project design investigations, charettes, trainings, and feasibility studies. We bring value to clients and partners in the form of realistic design recommendations and collaborative capacity building that deliver the multiple benefits of local food systems.


zero-waste supermarket

Germany is set to unveil the country’s very first zero-waste supermarket.

The concept of the store is simple: all food is provided in bulk and customers bring their own containers. If you forget your containers, you can borrow multi-use ones from the store, or make use of recycled paper bags. While the concept is familiar to food co-ops, Original Unverpackt will be on a larger scale and will provide absolutely no single use packaging or pre-packaged goods.
The team have been carefully sourcing stock as they prepare to open and their philosophy remains simple too. As they say, “You won’t find countless brands for each product because one, the right one, is enough.”


Storeless Grocery

Peapod's online shelves are stocked with more than 12,000 products in a range of categories: produce; meat and seafood; deli items; prepared foods; natural and organic foods; Kosher foods; office and school supplies; seasonal items; and video products; pet items; health and beauty aids; wine, beer and spirits (in specific markets) and private labels from Stop & Shop and Giant.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Seattle Permaculture

“A food forest is a gardening technique or land management system, which mimics a woodland ecosystem by substituting edible trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals,” writes Beacon Food Forest co-founder Glenn Herlihy. In other words, this community garden will produce food in the canopy, at the shrub level, in the shady understory, and even from vines that twine their way through the edible jungle.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Swiss Expo Milan

swiss pavilion at expo milan highlights food consumption levels. the temporary structure comprises five individual towers that are each filled with local food produce that visitors can take away. however, the reserves are finite meaning that guests who take an excessive amount deprive others of the same right to food. as the units are emptied the platform upon which the structure stands is lowered, presenting the public with a visual representation of their consumption habits.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Building Food

3D Fruit Printer, an machine that combines individual droplets of liquid to create convincing fruit imitations. 

I've become fastinated by this 3D Printing revolution. From building components to food. The technologies that have been designed to create our built environment are identical to the ones designing our food.